The National - Bloodbuzz Ohio
Ok, so as often happens with SOTW, there's a song that you'd like to choose and a song that chooses itself. I had a song picked out early in the week because I really liked it and then thought it too early. So I chose another last night (may make it to next week). Then this morning when the alarm went off, what was the 'yoof' station playing at me? The very same song I originally chose. ZOMG!11!!11WTFBBQ!
I found The National through an NY Times review of Alligator. So I checked the album out and then obsessively found whatever I could by the Brooklyn quintet made in Ohio. The new album is streaming online at NY Times funny enough. I freakin' love these guys.
This song is a sort of loser's lament about debts and despair and a lack of meaning. I chose it mostly for the fantastic lyric refrain "I still owe money to the money I owe" I mean, what better rhymes with Ohio? :) I tend to lean towards the drunken sad country touched indie rock style and The National does it really well. They're Whiskeytown for the 2010s :)
Looking forward to grabbing a copy of the new album when it drops later in May. While Alligator and Boxer have won all the critical acclaim, I am personally fond of the self-titled debut The National for world-weary alcoholic musings like The Perfect Song and Bitters & Absolut.
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