Friday, January 13, 2012

Playlist : January 16th - 20th, 2012

Hello and welcome to Work Tunes.

Usually about this time every year, I tend to check out some albums I slept on the year before or just didn't get around to hearing. If you can believe it, this year that means I have picked Adele - 21. I know, right?! But too many people whose opinion I trust told me this girl can really sing. 

Fear not, it also means I'll check out Yuck, Kurt Vile and Wild Flag and finally get around to Shabazz Palaces - Black Up. I've got some Cream in there, Tom McRae, a compilation or two (including NPRs best artists of 2011 which you can download free from the link) and Boy and Bear's great Moonfire LP from last year. That should just about do me.

  1. R.E.M.
  2. Camera Obscura
  3. The Beatles
  4. The Dø
  5. The Avett Brothers

Musically this week, I have been on somewhat of a Camera Obscura bender. So, sticking with the spirit of SOTW, I thought it was only fair I chose a song of theirs. If you don’t know them, they are a 5, sometimes 6 piece “twee folk” outfit from Glasgow. Lead by Tracyanne Campbell, the band makes sentimental sounding pop tracks which I really like.

This track Forests and Sands is a slow shuffling, sweetly breathed song about a road trip. I think Campbell’s accent adds to the sweetness of the song. I especially dig the way she phrases the refrain. Phonetically it’s almost:

“But if the blood pumpin through ma veins cud freeze like a reever in Tauraunto then I’d be pleased…”

Scottish accents aside, I really like the melody of the song and the overblown sentimentality of the lyrics. Not sure why I’ve been stuck on the band all week, but I have enjoyed listening to all four of their albums. Hope you enjoy this track off their last release from 2009.

There you have it. Wish me luck on the whole Adele thing (takes off cynical music snob hat). Hopefully you'll find something worth listening to.

Play safe out there kids. Until next week - be excellent to each other. Hasala malakim.

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